About Us - Telostrand

About Us

Who We Are

Telostrand is not your normal laboratory. Expanding beyond the confines of clinical testing, Telostrand is dedicated to create non-invasive, at-home testing part of your everyday life. From inventing patent-pending testing methodologies, innovative surgical equipment, and creative assay development, Telostrand focuses on innovating within the box (not outside it).

Our Mission

Telostrand focuses on innovation, scientific creativity, and patient success. As an all-inclusive laboratory, Telostrand is determined to create innovative products and non-invasive testing methodologies that better the lives of those we serve.

Our Team

Brian Hajjar

Brian Hajjar

President & Founder

Sharon Hajjar

Sharon Hajjar

General Manager

Ummar Raheel

Dr. Ummar Raheel

Director of Research & Development

Rachel Manina

Rachel Manina

Laboratory Manager

Muhammad Irfan

Biotechnology Scientist

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