Telostrand Telostrand

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Welcome to Telostrand
Telostrand Viral
Telostrand Test Results

Meet Telo

Telo is a creature that lives at Telostrand! Telo is neither cat nor dog, boy nor girl. Telo is a figment of our imagination that helps our scientists think creatively when inventing our new methodologies and non-invasive testing. Telo is simply the spark of creation!

Telostrand Scientific Publications

Telostrand Cloud – A medical database changing the world.
Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin marked the beginning of the modern age of antibiotics. Since then, antibiotics have been used to save the lives of millions of individuals who have…
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Alternative to the Pap Smear – Innovative science for any gender – HPV via Urine.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) The HPV is a double stranded DNA virus which is classified into low-risk HPVs involved in causing anogenital and cutaneous warts, and high-risk HPVs that are involved…
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