Telostrand Viral | Newest line of non-invasive at-home testing kits

Telostrand Innovations is proud to unveil the newest line of non-invasive at-home testing:
Telostrand Viral.

These patent-pending methodologies, HPV via Urine, HIV-1 / HIV-2 via Urine, and HCV via Urine are modifications to the FDA approved methods:

FDA Approved ThinPrep Pap Smear: HPV via Urine.

FDA Approved Qualitative Serum/Plasma Test: HIV-1 / HIV-2 via Urine.

FDA Approved Quantitative Viral Load test: HCV via Urine.

As modifications to these FDA-approved test, Telostrand Viral
allows everyone, no matter what gender you are, the opportunity to test for HPV, HIV-1 / HIV-2, and HCV in the comfort
of your own home.

Telostrand Viral also includes options to purchase other STD screenings for CT/NG (Chlamydia Trachomatis / Neisseria Gonorrhoeae) & TV/MG (Trichomonas Vaginalis / Mycoplasma Genitalium).
More tests for the Telostrand Viral line are being created as we speak. We are here to ensure that our patients receive peace of mind – feeling anxious about your STD status is not something you need to worry about anymore. We are here to help.

Telostrand is about bettering the lives of those we serve. With just one cup of urine,
Telostrand can test you for multiple STDs; we believe we hit this nail right on the head.

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