Telostrand Cloud – A medical database changing the world. - Telostrand

Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin marked the beginning of the modern age of antibiotics. Since then, antibiotics have been used to save the lives of millions of individuals who have been infected with microorganisms. However, most of the pathogens have become resistant to the current antibiotics which has made such infections difficult to treat.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an alarming issue that threatens to plunge us back into the dark age of medicine. It occurs when microorganisms survive exposure to antibiotics and evolve to become resistant. This causes the antibiotics to become ineffective against these microorganisms making it difficult to treat such infections.

One of the major reasons for the rapid growth of AMR is the non-empiric and misuse of antibiotics. The non-empiric use of antibiotics refers to the administration of antibiotics without prior diagnosis and knowledge about the nature of microorganism causing the infection. This usually happens when the doctors prescribe antibiotics based on their best guess without waiting for test results to arrive.

To help curb the growing AMR the Telostrand Innovations has developed an empiric antibiotic database that will make it easier for the doctors to prescribe appropriate antibiotics for an infection. This can be very useful in emergency situations where doctors don’t have enough time to wait for the test results to arrive.

For this embodiment the Telostrand cloud will also use PCR based rapid methods to identify the microorganisms present and provide accurate antibiotic sensitivity through the help of our empiric database. This innovative embodiment paired with our rapid PCR-based tests will revolutionize the patient care by eliminating the five-days turnaround time for most culture-based assays.

Currently, Telostrand cloud is used for prescribing empiric therapies against UTI’s, STDs, and fungal infections. We are planning to expand the database to include AMR data for other pathogen panels.

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